Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Spur of the moment trip

This past Thursday I decided to make a little trip to the Adirondacks. It was very long trip about 6 hours from where I live. I have got to say it is 1 of the most beautiful places I have ever been, mountains everywhere fresh spring lakes, of course they were frozen. I went there with plans is to travel around and take some beautiful pictures of the beautiful scenery , I know this is the place I would like to spend a summer or two. The mountains were covered in a beautiful layer of untouched snow, peaks doing through clouds. When I get there I was in complete awe of everything around me. I drove to Whiteface mountain to see the slopes, spent a little bit of time in Lake Placid, and also traveled to Keene Valley, NY where Mount Marcy towers through the sky, as it is New York's tallest mountain.. I have plans to soon make the accent to the top of Marcy, as I think it will be a stepping stone to my passion of travel photography, and also for me to get back in the shape I wish to be in. I have some nice images I will post in just a minute.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you very much, I have been out of touch but plan to be more regular
